July-August 2024 issue #155 digital download



Meet Matthew Silverstein and Barry Shainker of Queens, New York. They love their daughter Abby and everything Disney.

Darren Vance is the executive director of Rainbow Families, a support group for LGBTQ+ families. Read about what Rainbow Families has to offer and about Darren’s own family.

Learn about new and noteworthy books for young children and young adults from Bloomsbury Publishing and Sourcebooks.

Traveling mom, Ali Rothlizzi, writes about taking her wife, children, and mother-in-law on a vacation to our nation’s capital, Washington DC. While there, they take a tour of the White House.

Attorney Angela D. Giampolo talks about the surge of anti-LGBTQ bills and advises legal strategies in order to protect yourself and your family.

This is a critical election year especially with the uptick in anti-LGBTQ legislation being introduced. In this issue read about Defeat Project 2025 and what states allow your 17-year-old to vote.

20 pages, 18.9 mb digital file

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